Local Veterans and Clubs Hold Memorial Services for Tomball World War II Fallen Soldiers
May 25 at 6:30 PM at the Tomball Museum
Center for “Laying of the Wreath” Ceremony
In 1941, Tomball High School had an enrollment of 110 students. Of these, 27 young men went to serve in World War II. Nine did not return. On the 28th February, 1947, the students and faculty of Tomball High School gathered in front of the high school building to honor eight young men who made the supreme sacrifice for their country, by dedicating eight trees. Over time, the original trees were lost to various causes. In January 2006, with funds donated by the Tomball High School Alumni Association, THS graduates Roy Johlke (Class of 1950), Arlis Clepper (Class of 1951) and Bill Webb (Class of 1952) had new trees planted in a peaceful grove on the grounds of the Tomball Museum Center. These graduates, along with the Oil Patch Kids Association, organized a dedication ceremony. A ninth tree was added the following spring after attention was brought to the forefront of the 9th soldier lost soon after the original eight were honored in 1947. Heart of Tomball Republican Women, along with local veterans’ organizations, is proud to continue the tradition started by the students and faculty of Tomball High School, the THS Alumni Association, and the Oil Patch Kids Association, in honoring the sacrifices of these fallen heroes, and keeping their memories alive.