Oil Camp House


In the summer of 1998, an oil camp house was added to the museum collection. It is the heart of an exhibit portraying oil camp life during the 1930s and 1940s. Much attention was drawn to Tomball when Coronet Magazine published a multi-page pictorial presentation dubbed “Oil Town, U.S.A.,” depicting life in the Humble Oil Camp and Tomball.  We have two original well heads from discover wells in the Tomball area. We also have an original pumper’s office known as the doghouse. Next to the doghouse, we have a hand-operated gas pump, a horse-head pumper and a water drilling rig.

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"This was a great experience! Very helpful, informative volunteers and and a terrific way to catch a glimpse of our local past!"
-Coury G.
"Loved it"
-Karis K.
"Such a fun experience for the family. Awesome learning some of the history of our new hometown."
-Cassandra F.